Lygis: Klevo lapas
Reitingas: #70271
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Parašė komentarų: 65
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Anonimas prieš 4891 d.
Religija - viskas. ( Religija sugeba išlaisvint žmogaus siela, nors ne visiem ta suprast ir pajust. Niekam neidomu gi pakelti galva auksciau bliudo, is kurio valgo.)
Meilė - iliuzija.(Dažniausiai meilė - per daug klaidinga, nepateisinanti lūkesčių)
Pinigai - melas.(Būtent pinigai yra skirti kontroliuoti žmones, priversti juos elgtis taip, kaip norima. Pinigai - neegzistuoja, jie išgalvoti, jie sukurti iš nieko, bet vaidmeni sukuria wow... dabartiniame pasaulyje.)
Valdžia - niekas.( ir taip visiem aišku)
Anonimas prieš 4891 d.
#17 Kaip gaila, kad pasaulyje daugiausiai "protingų" žmonių.
Anonimas prieš 4891 d.
Meilė - tai tik iliuzija. Nužudai iliuzija - išgelbsti žmogų.
Anonimas prieš 4891 d.
#6 Nemanau, jog aplamai neegzistuoti yra blogiau nei egzistuoti kančioj, nors čia jau filosofinis reikalas. Visi bijo mirties, tik kai kurie bijo ta pripazinti. Kiek daug, net ir visiškoj agonijoj žmonės padaro kad tik išgyventu, o tu sakai jog aplamai geriau negyventi :) Pagal tavo logika, jei tu ne milijonierius draugaujantis su super modeliu, tai verta tik nusižudyti.
Anonimas prieš 4891 d.
#2 Kvepia narsicizmu :)
Anonimas prieš 4929 d.
#41 Dude... bent zinai kas tie ateistai ? Jie teigia jog neegzistuoja jokia aukstesne jega.
Anonimas prieš 4929 d.
#37 Don't feed the troll
Anonimas prieš 4929 d.
#32 "mano tiesa - tikėti savo jėgomis, o ne žilu dėde, kuris nieko nėra padaręs ir/arba jo net nėra :)"
*facepalm* Please, just shut up, my head hurts.
Anonimas prieš 4930 d.
#23 "Na galbut tuom, kad evoliucijos teorija yra visiskai priesingas dalykas tam, ka sako religija apie zmogaus sukurima? Tas pats su zemes sukurimu. "
Tai..... kad ne.... ir ką būtent sako religija apie žmogaus ir žemės sukūrimą ?
Tame ir esmė, pagalvok pats, o iš kur atsirado didysis sprogimas, iš kur ta visa materija ? Pagal tave - iš niekur, tiesiog atsirado. Tai kuris iš mūsų didesnis naivuolis :) ?
Anonimas prieš 4930 d.
Many atheists tend to stereotype Christians as stupid, uneducated people. However, I personally know dozens of scientists who are Christians, and not only believe in God, but can rationally present evidence for His existence. In our department at the Research Institute of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center we have no atheists - although we have one agnostic. All the other people - 4 M.D.'s, 2 Ph.D.'s, 3 R.N.'s, and the others, with B.S.'s or M.S.'s - are theistic. Christianity specifically calls people to use their brains. As Robert Griffiths (Heinemann prize in mathematical physics) stated:

"If we need an atheist for a debate, I go to the philosophy department. The physics department isn't much use." (17)

It is the atheist who now denies the implications of modern cosmology and physics because they imply the existence of a Creator. Those who believe the Big Bang correctly describes the origin of the universe, must admit that the universe had a beginning in finite time and space. Did it just pop into existence on its own? Did it just happen to have exactly the right physical laws and constants required for life? It is the atheist who must believe in miracles to explain our existence. Therefore, John Gribbin, an atheist physicist has stated:

"The biggest problem with the Big Bang theory of the origin of the universe is philosophical - perhaps even theological - what was there before the bang?" (18)

The primary objection to the Big Bang and its implications is this "God problem," not because of a lack of scientific evidence. Geoffrey Burbidge, astronomer from U.C. San Diego has recognized the implications of the 1992 COBE satellite discoveries, when he complained that his fellow astronomers were rushing off to join, "the First Church of Christ of the Big Bang." (19)

The fact that the evidence in support of the existence of God has increased in recent years is also a problem. According to atheists, science is supposed to get rid of the gaps, so that there is no longer any room for a "god of the gaps." This evidence has convinced some famous atheists to become deists (e.g., Antony Flew) or even Christians (e.g., Frank Tipler).

Tai kuris iš mūsų nenori galvot sveiku protu :) ?