#22 Nesupranti juodo humoro, tai nereikia sudais vadintis, nevykeli. O beto cia labai gera demotyvacija, VON NX I MOTYVUOK.ONE.LT
Anonimas prieš 4878 d.
nuo kada tokios shudinos demo tampa savaites demotyvacijom?
Anonimas prieš 4880 d.
#20 TKodel? Nes tiesa pasake, o tiesa tau akis bado?
Anonimas prieš 4880 d.
16 tai tipinis trolis
Anonimas prieš 4880 d.
"savaites demo"
Anonimas prieš 4881 d.
gal cai bande gilesne minti iszvelgt, kad obuoliai (tai bapkes) tiek turejo bet wistiek vezys suede. Svarbiausia sveikata
Anonimas prieš 4882 d.
stai, brangieji, siek tiek tiesos apie jusu dievaiti "One thing he wasn't, though, was perfect. Indeed there were things Jobs did while at Apple that were deeply disturbing. Rude, dismissive, hostile, spiteful: Apple employees—the ones not bound by confidentiality agreements—have had a different story to tell over the years about Jobs and the bullying, manipulation and fear that followed him around Apple. Jobs contributed to global problems, too. Apple's success has been built literally on the backs of Chinese workers, many of them children and all of them enduring long shifts and the specter of brutal penalties for mistakes. And, for all his talk of enabling individual expression, Jobs imposed paranoid rules that centralized control of who could say what on his devices and in his company." pilnas straipsnis --------> gawker.com/5847344/what-everyone-is-too-polite-to-say-about-steve-jobs
o siaip pagaliau, po nezinau kiek laiko, tikra demo pakliuvo i savaites geriausius